Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Little Bit of Nothing

Hey did anyone notice the vagina monologues is playing here for like five dollars? I wrote a post about Eve Ensler previously and mentioned it and seriously this play is a must see. It’s great for entertainment, but really it’s just powerful and it can change your entire perspective on life. Just had to mention that. I haven’t really been reading, and I don’t really have another author I can think of at the moment who I know enough about to write with some authority. I am going to start a new book soon, Intensity by Dean Koontz. From what I heard and read it truly is very intense. It’s about a girl who sleeps over at her friend’s house and while she is there the parents get murdered and her friend is abducted. This girl jumps in the murder’s truck to try and save her friend and ends up journeying with him hidden for weeks. Sounds really interesting or at least I think so. I like Lost in the Meritocracy. It’s really refreshing to read about something that you are actually experiencing and going through at the moment. I haven’t read too many books about college, so I like that it is very relevant to this time in our lives. I think it’s really interesting too, especially since it so opposite from my own college experience. I wish I had more to say, but as much as I love reading books it really does take a lot of time. I can’t wait for the summer when I’m free to read all the time.

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