Friday, April 15, 2011

A Little Bit of Nothing pt 2

It is finally warm outside. And do you know what nice weather is good for? Reading. There is nothing better than going outside in a beautiful day and reading a great book in the sun, except for maybe going to the beach, but this blog is about reading. I would love to be reading outside at this very minute but alas I have a chemistry test on Monday and once I can beat my procrastination I will be studying for that. I really want to read one of my David Sedaris books; I miss his dry humor and his wit. Perhaps I’ll get a chance to start one during a study break or I’ll get to read more of the Shining. I really want to finish it even though I already know more or less what the climax is; I still want to see the action unfold. I’m going to review a book I read a little while ago by whom else but Stephen King. It is called Bag of Bones and it is wonderful. It is a haunted love story I guess, that’s what I’ve heard it been described as. The love changes throughout the story but I can’t really get into specifics without giving away the book. The story just builds and builds to become more intense and the ending is seriously crazy. After I finished the book I just sat there thinking for a while and it just left me with a “wow” feeling. It’s also got its supernatural element to it, so yes it is a little creepy. Speaking of Supernatural, episodes come back on tonight Friday at 9 on the CW, just in case anyone was interested, which I doubt.

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