Saturday, April 9, 2011


Today I am writing about a collection of books that are not the traditional book per say. It is called PostSecret, created by Frank Warren.  It’s pretty much a big community art project of postcards with one twist; every card reveals someone’s inner most secret. Some secrets are funny, some are heartwarming, and some are sad and disturbing. Anyone can mail in their secrets to Frank, and they either go up on his website which I will post a link to at the end or they are put in a book that is sold worldwide and can be found in virtually any book store or online. All secrets are anonymous and people really get creative when creating their postcards. Frank started this project to help people release their inner demons or just get a secret off their chest. After they mail their secret they can just let go of it. He holds a lot of conventions where people can go and hear speeches and share their secrets and I’ve heard it’s a great uplifting experience. I have been infatuated with PostSecret for a couple years now simply because it’s such a cool idea and really lets people feel like they’re not alone. I feel like it helps connect people and bring this world together. I love PostSecret, they get a 10 out of 10 and I would highly recommend checking out their free website someday. Here is the link to the website and an example of one of my favorite PostSecrets:


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