Saturday, March 19, 2011

Michael Connelly

Michael Connelly writes incredible mystery thrillers. I think his books are so good because you don’t know who the killer is until he reveals it to you; it’s honestly always a complete surprise. You think you know who it is, you have a guess, but nope it’s someone completely different. And what I like about him is he’s not an author who doesn’t let you know who the killer is right from the beginning, it’s not impossible to figure it out. I hate when mystery writers make the killer some random waiter that was mentioned once in the beginning of the story, it’s not fun if you can’t figure it out. Connelly sets you up with clues the entire story and if you go back and re-read the book you realize he gave you clues telling you exactly who the killer was going to be. The beauty of his books are even though he gives you the clues, you still don’t figure it out, he’s that good. His books are interesting from beginning to end and they are true thrillers, once the action gets going you can’t put the book down. One word of caution, most of his books are about serial killers, so if you don’t like blood and psychopaths you might not want to pick one of his books up. I think my favorite that I’ve read by him so far is The Poet, but I also really like The Concrete Blonde. His books are pretty fast reads because you get so into him, I recommend reading one as soon as possible. I give him a 9 rating.
Also, a book of his has been made into a movie and is coming out recently called The Lincoln Lawyer, I’ve yet to read it, but I actually have two copies of it and I started it, so I hope I end up reading it soon. Here’s a link to trailer of the movie:

One last thing, another cool thing about his books is that there not really sequels of each other, but they all have the same characters which makes the stories even more interesting. 

1 comment:

  1. Even though I do not like reading much, you have inspired me to possibly read one of these killer novels. I like books that leave you wanting to read more and it seems like this is exactly what Michael Connelly does. So, with your blog and great facts about this author, I may break my habit of not reading and read!
