Friday, March 18, 2011

Chuck Palahniuk

I wanted to write about another author today, although I am hesitant to write about him because I don’t know too much about him or his books. I am talking about Chuck Palahniuk. I first became interested in him as a writer when someone handed me a beat up copy of his book Lullaby and said read this. I was so impressed; it was so unique to books I have read in the past. What he writes about is so different and creative and completely entertaining. I will mention that his books are definitely what I would call weird. There are some passages in his books where I literally stop reading and just say to myself what the hell. His writing can also be slightly disturbing at times, but it really just makes it that much more interesting. I have read the famous Fight Club because I had been hearing about it forever and then I heard Palahniuk wrote it so I had to try it out. It really is a great book and deserves all the praise it has gotten; I enjoyed the movie to but wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who hasn’t read the book first because I’m pretty sure it would be confusing. I am definitely planning to read as many more stories by Palahniuk as I can; I just love how different he writes and I can’t get enough of his books. He gets a 9 out of 10 rating.I have included a like to another 30 second bunny reenactment of Fight Club


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