Saturday, February 26, 2011

Studying Vs. Reading

I know my blog is about authors and books and I know I said I was going have a book review for today but it is 8pm and I only have a few hours to make a post. I have so much homework this weekend that I am not about two spend to hours trying to finish a book. My roommate gave me an idea to talk about what kind of books I would write if I was an author and in an attempt to stay on topic I’m going to run with it. Ideally I would like to write mystery novels because you can do so many things with them and I love how complex they are. I think writing a mystery would be really fun because of all the layers you can incorporate into the story and all the character development that usually accompanies mystery novels. Also, I like how you have the opportunity to trick your readers. That being said, I don’t think I would be very good at writing mystery novels because I feel I’d be the kind of author who wouldn’t know the end of my book until I’ve got to the end of the story, and with mystery novels you really can’t do that. I’m so feminist sometimes that I would probably end up writing women’s rights books like Eve Ensler. When I write for fun I like to write about issues that matter to me and my observations about the world and truths that I’ve discovered through experience. I feel the kind of writing I do fits in with activist writing, and I would end up writing books about what I think is wrong in the world and what we could do to try and change it. I am pre-nursing major and I definitely want my career to be in the nursing field, but I also wouldn’t mind trying to write some kind of activist literature in the future. So yeah, I’ve got a history exam on Tuesday, and I need to get back to studying, hopefully I’ll have a book review next week.

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