Thursday, February 10, 2011

Some Sort of Introduction

Hey ya’ll, my name is Jillian. I suppose I should start with some things about me, I’m a freshman in college and I have to say I really am enjoying this whole college experience thing. I grew up in the bay area in Northern California and now I live in Long Beach. Also I love toe-socks. That’s enough about me, let’s talk about this blog. This blog is about reading because reading is the one of the most relaxing and thought provoking things I know of. I’d like for this blog to deal primarily with authors because when I read I am always loyal to authors and continue to choose books by the same good authors over and over. I am going to try and throw in some books reviews as often as I can but I can’t read a million books a week, I have a life. I will try my best to read books that are connected to the authors I’ve been talking about and give updates on what I am currently reading. When I rate something I will be using a 10 point scale, 10 being the highest. I assume most of my reviews will end up being a rave because I only read books that I think are going to be good. My top genres are horror, mystery/thriller, and every once in a while I like to read those chick-flick books that are made for like 14 year olds. My top authors are, in no particular order except for number one, Stephen King, Chuck Palahniuk, David Sedaris, Eve Ensler, Tana French, and Michael Connelly.  When I run out of stuff to say in my posts which I already know is inevitable I might post my book list, which is all the books I want to potentially read at this point in my life. I feel like the type of books you choose say a lot about who you are, or at the very least obviously what interests you. So I hope my book choices and authors are at least mildly interesting, the only thing else I can really say is enjoy the blog!


  1. Toe socks, huh? LOL

    Seriously, though, I am looking forward to this blog. From the sounds of your reading habits, we have little in common, but I always find it fascinating to hear what authors and books interest other voracious readers.

    If you are interested in doing a bit of reading about reading (there's that concept of "meta-cognition" again), then I recommend C.S. Lewis' An Experiment in Criticism, in which Professor Lewis attempts to classify good and bad books by the people who read them and, more important, by how they are read.

  2. I even wear my toe socks with sandals.
    The book you've mentioned does sound really interesting, I've never thought reading a book of how people read and I will definitely book it on my list. -J.
