Saturday, February 12, 2011

Stephen King - The Ultimate Story Teller

Alright so I am definitely doing an author for the second post this week because I have no books I can report on right now. I am  currently about a third of the way through The Shining (Stephen King), a fourth of the way through The Complete Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, and almost done with Real Live Boyfriends by E. Lockhart (which is yes way too young for me and below my reading level but it is too entertaining to pass up). For my first author post I’m going to have to go with Stephen King. As far as ratings go I’m giving him a perfect  1o because thus far I have never read a book by him that I have not found astounding or even one that’s hasn’t left me thinking about it for days afterward. He really just knows how to tell a story in writing and writes well. A common misconception about him is that all of his books are terrifying and if you aren’t into that you shouldn’t read them. However, I’d say I’ve read maybe a third of his books because trust me there are A LOT, and some truly do not fall into the horror genre. If you don’t like horror I would recommend Thinner, The Green Mile, and Shawshank Redemption though all contain a few creepy elements. If you want a good first book to read by Stephen King I would go with Thinner because it is short unlike most of his books and very compelling, I read The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon first and its one of those books you just can’t put down, but warning it is a bit creepy. If you’re like me and are reading for some action and goose bumps then you should read my favorite books by him: Desperation, IT, Bag of Bones, The Stand, and The Green Mile (even though it’s not scary). Most of books have been made into movies and I really wouldn’t recommend any of them because they don’t do the books justice however I am going to include the trailer from Desperation to give you an idea of what the story is about (so you are then hooked and can go read it immediately)
So now that I just shoved a list of books at you I’m going to try and convince you why this is a guy you need to read. The way he uses words is sincerely different from any other author I have read. He just pulls you in and when he tells a story he tells it completely, he gives so much character development and it’s not boring. There’s always some creepy element every once in a while to keep you engaged while he builds up to horror filled climax. He is just one of those page turning authors that also knows how to write well and describes things to the fullest at the same time. I don’t know what else to say, just go give him a try, thank me later, and you will not find another author who can tell a story better from his generation.

Oh one more thing, Stephen King wrote some of his books using a pen name I believe because he wanted people to read his books without knowing he was the author in order to see if the name King was selling books or if his books were actually still good also he wanted to publish multiple books at the time and only one a year was the norm so he used a different name to get around that. So, if you see any books by Richard Bachman that is Stephen King.

One more side note, movies that were adaptations of his books that I’ve seen and actually liked include: The Green Mile, The Stand, The Secret Window, Dream Catcher, Misery, and The Shawshank Redemption.

Okay sorry, last thing I swear, when My sister and I love this website, it is basically a cartoon animation of bunnies re-enacting popular movies in 30 seconds and its hilarious so I wanted to share the one Stephen King movie they did.


  1. I have never read Stephen King largely because of that stereotypical portrayal of him as a horror writer. I have actually had several people recommend his The Dark Tower series to me. Have you read any of the books in that sequence? I understand that it's actually fantasy, so perhaps a little out of your regular reading zone.

  2. I actually find that a lot of the Stephen King books include some fantasy, but no I have yet to read the series. I have all the books so I've been planning on it, just haven't gotten around to it. I'm glad to hear they are good though.
    You should try Stephen King, I would recommend Bag of Bones!
