Friday, February 25, 2011

Mysterious Tana French

Alright, I started the Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly because I think it was made into a movie and coming out in theaters soon.  I’m about to start Necessary Targets by Eve Ensler because contrary to my last post I actually have not read all of her books.  I was hoping to do todays post on Necessary Targets because in my experience her books only take one day to read, but alas I had more pressing things to do so I will be picking another author for today. Hopefully tomorrow will be a book review post. My author for today is Tana French. I am not about to pretend I know a lot about her, I have only read two of her books, Into the Woods and The Likeness, but from what I read she is a very talented writer. I would classify her genre as murder mystery/psychological thriller. She is one of the best writers I have read in that genre, and she definitely keeps you in suspense and wanting more. Her books were both page turners and had very interesting concepts. I found that her writing and the way she describes things is much different than any other books I’ve read in a very good way. I am very interested in reading more of her books and the way she tells mysteries leaves you thinking about the book long after you’ve finished it. Her endings are unpredictable and even though her books are a mystery and I am always desperate to find out who the killer is, they are not the typical “whodunit” books, and the person who did it is never obvious. She gets an 8 and that score will probably rise as I read more of her books.

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