Friday, February 18, 2011

Eve Ensler - A True Activist

So, doing another author because my roommate is gone for the weekend and I am not about to sit alone in my room and read The Shining because it is creepy and I get scared easily. I am going to review Eve Ensler today. She is absolutely incredible, I have read every single one of her books and am looking forward to more in the future. She writes monologues and performs them worldwide, they are also printed in book form, and she has written a few things meant solely for print. She is activist and her books are primarily about women’s struggles including body image, politics, and violence against women. She travels the world hearing women’s stories and adapts them into monologues. I think she writes with a lot of soul and she definitely writes with purpose. Every single one of her books I have read in one sitting, not because they are necessarily short which they can be, but because they are so powerful and moving. I have cried while reading her books before because she tells these women’s stories from her heart and she really captures their emotions. She understands the important issues in women’s lives and she faces them head on and addresses them head on. She is not afraid to say whatever is on her mind and her books definitely seem very honest and very raw. Her words are simple, but well chosen, making her points that much more powerful. I have to give her a 10 because of her message and the way she can write to convey her message. While she writes mostly about women, her books are not made for just women, anyone with a heart and a thirst for knowledge and change in the world should read them. Everything she has written is worth reading, but especially make sure to read The Vagina Monologues and Insecure at Last: A Political Memoir. She has a website titled V-day ( dedicated to ending violence against women across the globe.

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